Mars in 6th House
With Mars in the Sixth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative through hard, energetic physical work or by representing other workers in a fight for improved conditions within the work environment. Your will to action is applied in 'putting your own house into order', health and work matters generally.Mars in Aries
Mars in Aries strengthens the martial side of your nature - you assert yourself in a forceful, courageous, aggressive, competitive, independent, positive, enterprising and self-assured manner. Primarily, these qualities are used for personal goals that serve your own ego needs. You desire to make a mark on the world, and cut your own path in life. There is an incessant drive for action and accomplishment. You find it easy to take the initiative and motivate others to 'get things done . Many projects are started but only a few are successfully completed. There is a love of sport and other physical games. On occasion you can be inpatient, aggressive and quick-tempered. The sex urge is strong, driven by powerful emotional passion. Good lovemaking requires that you feel dominant and in total control.
Opposition Saturn: Stop and Go
With Mars Opposition Saturn you can alternate between aggression and apathy, often lacking purpose and having a tendency to drift. Your enthusiasm is sudden, but doesn't last long. You need to gain an inner respect for the stabilizing quality of Saturn. In order to learn to channel energy properly and finish what you start, concentrate on matters related to the house Saturn is in. You're often frustrated, oppressive, resentful and often use aggressive, violent actions to hide your fear of personal inadequacy. Your attempts to act are thwarted by others and your professional ambitions are often stifled by misfortune or by those in authority. You may seek status or power in destructive or undesirable ways or be the victim of others doing the same. You may have problems with joint finances or corporate resources, resulting in strained relationships. Relationships with your parents, especially your father, are not good and you may lose a parent early. There's some possibility of physical violence (done to you or by you) and in extreme cases, you may be cruel or tend toward criminal activity. You won't go out of your way to help others and they won't help you. You may have psychological difficulty in reconciling your masculine and feminine sides.
Mars Trine Neptune Practical Idealist
The energies of the trine should enable you to become a practical idealist, where the spheres of personal relationships and social obligations are highlighted in your experience. Mars will provide you with a powerhouse of energy to use, and Neptune will indicate suitable directions for expression. This will be through a heart sensitivity to the problems of others, either individually or on a more impersonal, collective scale, and you will feel motivated to share in aspects of social responsibility. Fortunately. most of your personal aims can be achieved within such a framework, and so you may be attracted towards socially orientated work, especially in the fields of welfare, medicine, community aid and physical therapy. In such ways, you feel able to share your energy by supporting others who may be struggling in life, perhaps through ill-health, disadvantaged social conditions, or family problems. There is a natural sympathy, and your compassionate approach will often lead to many sharing their problems with you. It may be that at times you will need to cleanse yourself of 'accumulated suffering' absorbed from such work, and forms of negativity-releasing meditations or psychic protection are advised; otherwise, you may experience your level of vitality dropping under the burdens that you choose to take. Even if you do not adopt the Neptunian way as a profession, your closer social friends will recognize this quality of support within you, and will often turn to you for a helping hand and a listening heart, coming away feeling less burdened, more inspired and sharing in your confident energy that all will be right (or that they can at least cope successfully). This is an aspect of a healing energy that you can transmit, and which is often connected to an acute inner sensitivity to the environment and people's emotions. This empathy is a key to your potential effectiveness in relationships, an intuitive knowing of how to respond and what type of support can be offered. Some may consciously gravitate towards areas of spiritual / occult healing techniques, and this could be an effective channel to explore. Your intimate love life should be reasonably satisfying, often with a strong emphasis on physical and heart energies, possibly with some intense and passionate romances. Once you settle with a stable partner, you will appreciate those deep emotional bonds, those subtle empathies and feelings of real relationship that can be established through mutual love. Generally, your partnerships are honest and direct
Opposition Pluto To Win at Any Cost
The opposition aspect tends to reflect an inner conflict in you, that of a clash between your personal desires and a possible contributing positive role in society, as represented by the opposition between the personal Mars desires and the more socially orientated Pluto. You probably require a greater understanding of the nature of personal power, the right application of it to benefit the group rather than to satisfy purely personal aims and desires, especially as you may have the tendency to take advantage of a group's power and influence to further your own ambitions. Your nature will express a forceful will, which can be experienced by others as aggressiveness, making them avoid too close a contact with you; in fact, you often appear to be quite unaware of your effect on people; and a greater sensitivity to the rights and reality of others is a quality that you could do well to help develop. This would help minimize any negative effect you may have on others, especially those in close relationship to you, whom you often attempt to dominate. Control in an intimate context is attractive to you; and you are likely to have an intense and powerful sexual nature, which at times can lead towards an affinity with forms of potentially violent passion and sexual undertones. You tend to link sex with power as an exaltation of personal force; and this can stimulate certain problems, although some potential partners can find the sheer physicality extremely exciting and provocative. This, plus the psychological manipulation that you attempt, can lead to stormy relations; and you are probably wiser to moderate and discipline your release of energy through a controlled awareness of its impact on others. You may observe that your flow of sexual energy can be erratic and irregular, where your passions are either 'hot' or very 'cold', and you are basically unable to regulate them according to demand or switch them on. In your home life, you may find problems arising in the spheres of financial management, and power struggles, and on the emotional levels of relationships. You probably find that your emotions are driven by the force of passion and sexual energy, and that you have a lack of real understanding of their nature, as they tend to be swept along on the tide. Perhaps this is why you often demonstrate little awareness of the emotions of others in everyday life, as yours are often held in a state of suspended repression, like waters blocked from following their natural route by a dam wall. If the emotional level was released carefully and consistently in a healthy way, the blocked Pluto energy operating on that level could be freed, and many of your problems would begin to dissolve, leading to personal transformation. This would then adjust the level of force and suppressed violence in you, so that you would deal with your power more positively. This would lead to a clearer perception of self and others, allowing partners more personal freedom through mutual agreement and compromise, rather than your previous imposition of will. Taking such a course could develop also towards greater social involvement, using your energy in positive and creative channels, realizing that if you can change from living mainly to satisfy purely personal desires at the expense of others, then there is the potential for a self-centered violent society to change from exploitation to co-operation and mutual benefit.
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