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With an Aries Sun you possess abundant creative energy and enthusiasm for life. Very brave, positive and competitive, you have natural leadership qualities. Obstacles are overcome by sheer physical courage. An enterprising nature, with a capability for seizing opportunities is a factor for success. Recklessness and arrogance are your worst traits. You can also be violent when roused. You value your freedom and independence, though this may be interpreted as selfishness by others. To develop your personality to its fullest potential, the main task is one of gaining complete control over the physical and emotional natures to avoid extremes of embarrassing behaviour.

5th House:
You want to be noticed for your unique and special qualities and your creativity. You are happiest when you are expressing yourself in a special way and attention comes your way as a result. You have a flair for drama and/or sports. You are proud of your fun-loving attitude towards life. As you demonstrate your ability to shine, avoid grabbing center stage all of the time. Your happy disposition is enough to get noticed, but do find creative ways to express yourself, as this is the path to true happiness for you.
Alternate Interpretation: With the Sun’s energy in the Fifth House, your personality drive may express itself through adventurous and perhaps speculative ventures. An inner restlessness craves an outlet through social, romantic, and daring action. Pleasure and amusement play an important role in your search for freedom of self-expression. The love motive may also be strong. The overriding need is for the creative expression of your personal powers and abilities. This could be through leadership, art, sport, entertainment, New Age ventures or the use of modern technology. In this search, you will cover a lot of ground and a wide range of interests. Children may play an important role in some way. — From the Character Profile.
The sun represents our vitality and our conscious ego, the self and its expression. It establishes our will to live and our creative force. It is associated with spontaneity and health. 
1. Sun Opposition Moon
When the is Sun is opposing your Moon in your natal chart you were born under a full moon especially if the orb is within a few degrees. It makes you interesting and complex. Born under a Full Moon, they can be a bit different or eccentric, perhaps manifesting itself in a unique sense of humor. You will probably find yourself torn between an environment that is very comfortable and supportive versus a real need to grow, progress, and push out on your own. Your vital energies and desires are often at odds with your emotional self, contentment and happiness. However, your emotions tend to be under control and you can be quite objective in your interactions with others unless you have some challenging aspects to your moon. Your inner struggle is most obvious in your vitality, as both the Sun and the Moon strongly influence the vitality. It is hard for you happiness within themselves. They tend to look outside of themselves for fulfillment. They are inclined to form serious relationships at an early age, simply because of this tendency to try to find an answer to happiness. It is best to try not to form relationships based on security or need to fill a void within yourself. Working with inner child meditations or other self love techniques can help overcome this difficulty.. You can be temperamental, insecure, and very sensitive. The ability to understand other points of view is a good asset. However, at some point in their lives, you need to uncover what it is you really want. The upside of this natal conflict is found in sensitivity itself. You are generally willing to work out problems in a relationship due to their acute awareness and sensitivity to the conflicts that arise in their partnerships.

2. Sun Conjunct Mercury
This shows that your temperament is unilateral, or almost unaffected by conflicts with the will of others. Your personality is basically integrated, but this does not mean you will have a trouble-free life. It merely indicates that you are reasonably satisfied with yourself and with the goals you hope to realize. You do not adapt to circumstances unless doing so will serve your best interests. Because you are highly motivated to achieve your objectives, success is more than likely. You waste very little effort in activities unless they will benefit you in some way. You know how to co-ordinate your available resources with your life pursuits, and always have the skills required to carry out any special task you choose. No-one is allowed to interfere in your affairs; nor do you concern yourself with the affairs of others. You establish a barrier between yourself and others and do not permit anyone to intrude. You can become enormously successful in your own estimation, even if others can't judge your success. You don't measure your level of accomplishments by the same devices most people use when making comparisons. You can best succeed when you work alone or at least can determine for yourself how or when you do your work. In spite of your seeming self-assurance, you are not too successful in relating to people except at the social level. You are so afraid to have your emotions trampled that you keep personal contacts at arm's length. Your sensitive nature is your Achilles tendon, which you try to protect. You depend heavily on small quiet moments to give you the spiritual nourishment that your outer life feeds on. Irritated by the constant distractions and the hustle and bustle of competitive society, you must periodically rejuvenate your forces privately, perhaps in meditation.

3.Sun Trine Jupiter: The Cosmic Blessing
There is the indication that your life is 'protected and guided' and that 'luck' can lead you on the path to good fortune. However, the challenge is that you must fully use your qualities, talents and natural gifts as the means to activate this 'inner blessing'. Growth and self-development does not necessarily occur naturally through life experience, and to some degree requires a conscious search and deliberate effort to stimulate the process. You are likely to be optimistic, enthusiastic and self-confident, and to hold a positive, constructive and altruistic attitude to life and people. You can be very generous and supportive to others, finding social contacts easy to make and enjoying company. you develop your own philosophy, founded by ideals, honesty, morals or religious teachings which underpin your life actions and choices. You will look for a high-quality partner, one who also has their own moral standards in life and possesses a compatible philosophy to your own

4. Sun Trine Uranus : The Inventor

The natural attunement with the 'Universal Mind' should help you to receive valid insights and intuitions, especially at times when the trine is reactivated by transit or progression movements, which offer opportunities for greater creativity and usable ideas. Such periods may also stimulate a heightened awareness of your solar path and purpose, and should be carefully noted so that you can hold your mind in a meditative and receptive mode of operation, in order for insights and promptings to be consciously registered and then acted upon. You should find it relatively easy to exploit your creativity, as this aspect releases a large quantity of potentially productive ideas into those areas of life for which you require inspiration. Study the house positions and signs of both Sun and Uranus for areas that may be specifically influenced by this trine. Aided by perseverance and the application of a focused will, you should have no real obstacles confronting your efforts to manifest creative idea.These can take a myriad of forms, from experimentations aimed at developing new projects, to more adequate modifications of existing products. There is likely to be an inner detachment to your searches and creativity, a perpetual quest of enquiry and fascination, with a form of creativity which works through the creator, and is never perceived in any egotistical perspective. Your reformist, idealistic and humanitarian tendencies can find success through communication and sharing with others, and this can be important to your sense of well-being, as you do need to feel that you are of some use to others.

5. Self Deception Sun Square Neptune
This indicates tendencies of psychologically based inhibitions, restrictions and frustrations which pose considerable challenges that need overcoming before the more positive characteristics of Neptune and the Sun emerge. You tend to lack confidence in your identity and ability to achieve your ambitions. Part of this may have been derived from your parental relationships, especially with the father, as your developing nature may have experienced conflict through lack of understanding or of perceived love; it may have been that by asserting your own individuality you clashed with the stronger parental will. The results are that your self-confidence has fragmented, and that your application of will is less focused and effective, and consequently you have developed psychological defenses against others and from facing personal failure. This is displayed in escapism, and avoidance of responsibilities and of the need for self-discipline, unless a powerful Saturn in your chart can re-balance this tendency. Preferring to run away from confronting reality leads to distorted perceptions, which make careful evaluation of options difficult as well as generating fears of making decisions which may prove to be unwise. At its worst, this can create inertia through fear of taking deliberate action. These inner images of failure tend to create external failures, and so emphasize a repetitive vicious circle. Yet by linking this pattern of failure within aims and ambitions that are probably beyond your current capabilities to achieve, you also succeed in evading the realization that you are creating most failures in your life. This is exacerbated by the dreams of the unintegrated and unfulfilled Neptune, who may be noticed as a thread of guilt related to your lack of achievement, and as an ongoing sensation of discontent. Your solar power is being diverted and dissolved by the activity of an unintegrated Neptune, and, unless you can begin to reassert this solar centre and face your Neptunian challenges, this unsatisfactory condition may continue. These challenges can be mitigated by a decision to make sufficient effort to connect to your hidden solar centre, to move beyond those superimposed images of guilt, failure and inferiority that have developed as a defensive response to emotional pain. Such a reorientation may not be easy to make, as you will be opposing established patterns of behaviour, yet the gains that can be made are likely to transform your life. The first step is self-acceptance, to cease any self-judgment and condemnation. Then, if you really want it to happen, feel confident that any change can occur. You have sufficient inner creativity, imagination and potential waiting to be released from imprisonment, although finding appropriate channels of expression may still take a little longer. However, you need to define any ambitions within a more realistic perspective than previously. Possibly some form of counseling may be effective in helping you gain more clarity regarding your self-potential, or workshops in self-assertion and decision-making / goal-setting. In effect, you are being asked to see yourself as a young child, ready to enter adulthood, and you are expected to recreate yourself into a new and more suitable identity. Take smaller and easily achievable steps in this process of recreation; acknowledge that occasional failures are inevitable, but try not to turn them into traumatic dramas, and realize that success will not happen without the parallel risk of failure side by side. Everybody is a failure at something, and that isn't an excuse to condemn yourself again. As your self-confidence grows, your life will begin to take a more positive shape. It will not happen overnight, as transforming long-established behaviour patterns cannot be achieved that quickly; but persevere, and changes can happen. Perhaps using techniques like creative visualization and affirmations, or subliminal programming encoded on self-development cassette tapes, could strengthen this process. The essential realization is that change is possible, and that you can achieve this in your own way; in hope lies the fountainhead of the waters of potential and transformation. Such improvements can benefit your intimate relationships too, as well as enhance your self-image, confidence and decision-making abilities. Generally you are emotionally vulnerable, possibly exploited or abused by others, deceived or manipulated in various ways; but if these tendencies exist, they are reflections of those dominating patterns within you. There can be unusual emotional needs and desires linked with romantic idealism that are expressed in physical sexuality; these may require healing and cleansing in some way. But the proposed transformation and refinement that is implied by resolving the conflict of the Sun and Neptune would simultaneously deal with that level too. There can be an attraction towards occultism and mysticism


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