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Venus 6th House
When a person has his natal Venus in the 6th house, the benefic planet can bring very pleasant co-workers. The native has great diplomatic skills, being able to get easily liked by the other employees and even charming a bunch of them. A person with such a placement will frequently receive offers or help from others, which can even make him working less as there can exist volunteers who will do parts of his job. A minor danger is that such a native will become underproductive and lazy, but after all, their co-workers usually do not complain about such an attitude! As the 6th house is involved as an indicator of one’s profession, the presence of Venus will frequently create artists of all types. Even if the native does not follow an artistic occupation, Venus will still play her role, granting a work that is somehow connected to beauty. This could be anything; from a hairdresser or fitness/dance trainer to cosmetics specialist or even a person involved in recreational events. If this benefic planet is located in the 6th house of a native’s natal chart, the work surroundings are rather pleasant and even fun. Venus will make him be happy to go to work, will grant a lot of smiles from other people and make time pass quickly in such an environment. The native can even feel that he is not working, but exercising some hobby or activity which he would choose to do even if it was not connected to his financial prosperity. In addition, periods of unemployment could be rather dull and boring, giving some extra motivation to find a new job! Venus in the 6th house has a rather good impulse on the native’s health, but he should definitely be careful with his nutrition patterns. Venus rules sugar and everything sweet, so there is a definite need of keeping indulgence in such treats as low as possible. In addition, as Venus is responsible for all types of pleasures, the native will tend to eat a lot of rich foods, which can be a rather unhealthy pattern. When Venus is placed in the 6th house, it can give great love for small animals and happiness through them. The native’s pets will be very affectionate towards him, and he will probably feel a “love at first sight” when adopting them. Such a placement will make the native spend a lot of money on their pets’ well-being, food, and even on their appearance! If there is a natal placement responsible about people who take their dogs in animal beauty salons, then it is definitely this one. In case that Venus is also strongly connected to the 2nd house, then the native might even work in such a place. As the 6th house is responsible for volunteering and service towards society, this natal placement can create a native that will serve others, at least the ones he loves. People with Venus in the 6th house love to make sudden presents, will frequently find ways to cheer others up and will very often gift clothes or other pieces of beauty. When speaking about volunteering, the native might indeed help the broader masses in some way, but usually only with his positive presence. There is nothing concrete that he can offer (unless of course, Venus is conjunct some other planets in the 6th house) and will be mostly of a supportive role. Indeed, sometimes being there for the others is a lot more precious than doing something in particular. The native might not be a doctor to help the poor pro bono, but will be around while others do the specialized work, granting his smile and positive attitude. If you have this natal placement of Venus, you have rather heightened possibilities of falling in love with people from your work. Venus will always influence the workplace atmosphere, creating some kind of tingly magnetism and the mood to flirt. If Venus is ruling the person’s 7th house, or is quite near its cusp, the native might even meet his spouse through his job. Even if this does not happen, affairs with colleagues are most likely to appear. In case that Venus has hard aspects with Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto, then the native should really consider not entering such type of relationships. They might bring problems with other co-workers, or he might indulge in affairs with more than one person, bringing disharmony in the working environment. Generally, this placement is a rather good one, as it can even brighten up the daily routines of the native. He will probably adore his daily patterns and be dedicated to some of them. If you have your natal Venus in the 6th house, you are some of the lucky people that will enjoy the small things of the everyday reality. Be careful to not overindulge in your passions, and you will be blessed with very happy moments.

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Venus in Taurus
Love for Venus in Taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts — they revel in sensual surroundings. These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. In fact,  something about their manner promises they will be satisfying lovers and partners. They need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in their relationships, even if their Sun is in the more spontaneous signs of Aries or Gemini.
Venus in Taurus men and women can be possessive in love, and they are threatened by fast-paced, high-energy situations in the context of relationships and love. These are sensual partners who require lots of “hands-on” expressions of love. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Taurus can get a little too comfortable and settled. It’s true that they resist change in their relationships, but even when they seem stuck in a groove, you can always reassure yourself by remembering that they are constant partners.
Pleasing Venus in Taurus involves emphasizing your loyalty, and their worth to you. You may need to give in to them in love matters, because they won’t readily give in to you! Get physical with them; do comfortable things. Avoid pushing them in love — give them plenty of time. You will probably need to cultivate patience if you are in a relationship with Venus in Taurus. Remember to be simple and natural — Taurus will appreciate it. Promise them a comfortable, cozy time.
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Venus in Taurus people are very physical lovers, with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. Can be very patient in love. Their charm is natural and earthy.
They can be possessive in love and with objects. Venus in Taurus people are attracted to products of high quality and durability. They can be good with their money, spending lavishly only on objects of beauty, long-lasting objects, and food. They are not usually especially generous people and are typically quite practical and patient when it comes to saving and spending money. Harmony and peace are important factors in the art and music they are attracted to. They abhor gawdy, cheap, tacky, or excessively loud/bold art, clothing, and possessions. ~ Cafe Astrology
Venus Opposition Saturn: Underestimating Self-Esteem
The opposition between Venus and Saturn shows emotional frustrations. This is a difficult aspect as the harshness of Saturn weighs heavily on the affairs of Venus such as happiness, harmonious relationships, artistic endeavors, and financial security. You may look at your accomplishments with continuous dissatisfaction, underestimating your self-worth. You may not have received the encouragement that you needed when you were younger, and you tend to shy away from competition because of a resulting lack of confidence. Your circumstance didn?t give you the chance to receive emotional nurturing as a child, you may still be living the life of emotional self-denial, unconsciously believing this is what you deserve. You may have to make concessions to others to maintain normal relations. Often you wonder if it's really worth the effort. Avoid a tendency to undervalue yourself and your ability to make a worthwhile contribution. The development of a positive attitude can be your most valuable asset. This is not an easy task and what needs to be done is to find out how to meet your own emotional needs not from other people. Try to also listen and be more receptive to others emotional needs and how they differ from your own, how can you realign your needs with others. You tend to suppress your emotional side and the more you can work on being expressive and vulnerable the more success you will have. Your mature and responsible attitude is a positive aspect of this sign but it can cause depression and self loathing. Because you think of being a child as immature or inferior you do not allow yourself to feel the joy of childlike innocence. Learning to accept all emotions within yourself can help you loosen the tight hold you have over your emotions.~Astromatrix

Venus Inconjunct Jupiter: Learning to Set Limits
You easily overextend yourself. Overindulgence and exhaustion can come from feeling over-optimistic about yourself and what the world will do for you. You take on obligations that are other people's responsibilities because you feel so good about yourself. You are happy and healthy when you learn how to set real limits without being talked or coerced into overdoing it, in some area of your life.~ Astromatrix

Progressed Venus
Progressed Venus in Gemini
When your progressed Venus enters Gemini, you can become much more sociable than you have been before. You want to be around people, you need more mental stimulation, and you love conversation. You emerge from a period where you don’t say as much, and now you can’t keep quiet. You’re more prone to gossip. This is a great placement for writing, speaking, and learning. You have an easier time with the details, but may be lazier with your daily tasks. You can be more of a flirt, and are more attracted to brainy types. Check which houses your natal Venus is in and rules to see where you may need more stimulation and variety.
Progressed Venus in the 8th House
When your progressed Venus enters your 8th house, you can make progress financially, especially with a partner. You’re better at handling joint finances. You may have a harder time opening up your heart to other people, wanting to make sure they’re trustworthy first.  You become more passionate and intense in your relationships. You want there to be more of a connection on a deep level, and find pleasure in having that type of connection. Superficiality doesn’t do it for you anymore. There has to be meaning, and you may have the opportunity to transform yourself through your love relationships. You just need to make sure you don’t become overly intense and jealous, obsessive, controlling, or engage in power struggles. 


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