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North Node Gemini- Ascendant Scorpio - Midheaven Leo - I/CAquarius

Part of your karmic lesson is to learn to slow down to the speed of life, be interested in the lives of others and get over your fear of being repressed. Your North Node Life Path: Gemini  and  Sagittarius  are the signs of communication and learning. If you born with a Gemini  north node  or a Sagittarius  north node , your life purpose could include teaching, learning, writing and spreading a message. These lunar nodes are constantly gathering and disseminating knowledge. They are the most interactive of all nodes and could have a wide array of friends and acquaintances. Gemini rules local travel and familiar faces, while Sagittarius is the global ambassador. If your north node is in Sagittarius, you may be more comfortable in a close community where you are well-known. Traveling (a Sagittarius-ruled pursuit) could make you nervous, especially when you’re younger. You could even have a phobia of flying! Yet, when you embr...


Aries: With an Aries Sun you possess abundant creative energy and enthusiasm for life. Very brave, positive and competitive, you have natural leadership qualities. Obstacles are overcome by sheer physical courage. An enterprising nature, with a capability for seizing opportunities is a factor for success. Recklessness and arrogance are your worst traits. You can also be violent when roused. You value your freedom and independence, though this may be interpreted as selfishness by others. To develop your personality to its fullest potential, the main task is one of gaining complete control over the physical and emotional natures to avoid extremes of embarrassing behaviour. 5th House: You want to be noticed for your unique and special qualities and your creativity. You are happiest when you are expressing yourself in a special way and attention comes your way as a result. You have a flair for drama and/or sports. You are proud of your fun-loving attitude towards life. As you demonstr...

Moon/11tth House/Libra

Moon In Libra Opposition Mercury In conjunct Venus Sextile Jupiter Sextile Uranus Moon in the 11th house - Unicorn Dancer The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle. With Moon in the 11th the emotional spectrum is highly sensitive to mass humanity. The highs and lows experienced by the global consciousness are felt like translucent waves of squeals and delight. Moon in the 11th people have a tremendous social conscience and easily intuit the invisible feelings and longings of their friends and loved ones. Any vibration or desire circulating will enter the individual’s open and perforated auric field. The individual brings a responsive touch and magic essence to the Aquarius home while dispersing a warm, maternal and nurturing expression amongst friends. The individual may be endearingly known as the ...


Mercury in Aries Mercury in Aries communicators make quick decisions–so quick that you might think they don’t much like thinking things over. The truth is, Aries communicators don’t have a lot of patience for mulling. Their decisions are often driven by the need for instant gratification. Mercury in Aries men and women are generally quick and to the point in their communications. They are direct and candid, and some may even think their style is crude at times. At times, they can come across as downright aggressive, but that usually happens when they encounter opposition to their opinions and ideas. It is generally a result of frustration, because Mercury in Aries almost childishly assumes that others will accept their opinions smoothly. There is a sensitivity and defensiveness to Aries, and when Mercury is placed in the sign, natives tend to be quite personally attached to their ideas. These people have a tendency towards streamlined learning. They prefer not to get bogged down...


Venus 6th House When a person has his natal Venus in the 6th house, the benefic planet can bring very pleasant co-workers. The native has great diplomatic skills, being able to get easily liked by the other employees and even charming a bunch of them. A person with such a placement will frequently receive offers or help from others, which can even make him working less as there can exist volunteers who will do parts of his job. A minor danger is that such a native will become underproductive and lazy, but after all, their co-workers usually do not complain about such an attitude! As the 6th house is involved as an indicator of one’s profession, the presence of Venus will frequently create artists of all types. Even if the native does not follow an artistic occupation, Venus will still play her role, granting a work that is somehow connected to beauty. This could be anything; from a hairdresser or fitness/dance trainer to cosmetics specialist or even a person involved in recreational ...


Mars in 6th House With Mars in the Sixth House you are likely to exert your energy and initiative through hard, energetic physical work or by representing other workers in a fight for improved conditions within the work environment. Your will to action is applied in 'putting your own house into order', health and work matters generally. Mars in Aries Mars in Aries strengthens the martial side of your nature - you assert yourself in a forceful, courageous, aggressive, competitive, independent, positive, enterprising and self-assured manner. Primarily, these qualities are used for personal goals that serve your own ego needs. You desire to make a mark on the world, and cut your own path in life. There is an incessant drive for action and accomplishment. You find it easy to take the initiative and motivate others to 'get things done . Many projects are started but only a few are successfully completed. There is a love of sport and other physical games. On occasion y...